
EOS Studies - This is knowledge.

Knowing what moves the economy and society: That is our claim for the market and consumer studies of EOS. Our studies, which we produce together with renowned market research institutes, offer exciting facts about customer payment behavior, payment methods, digitalization and the benefits of data.
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EOS Consumer Study 2023

EOS Consumer Study 2023: Is the inflation crisis set to become a debt crisis?

First the Covid-19 pandemic, now record-breaking inflation and an energy crisis: Times have been tough recently, for companies as well as for us as humans. How have consumers in Europe experienced recent months? The “Europeans in Financial Trouble?” EOS Consumer Study 2023 investigated how consumption patterns and payment behaviors are changing in the current economic situation.

For the survey, a total of 7,729 consumers aged between 18 and 65 from 13 European countries provided information about their financial situation. The survey took the form of an online questionnaire and was completed between February 3-9, 2023.
Download survey report (1.3 MB)

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"Europeans in financial trouble?" EOS Consumer Study 2023
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"Europeans in financial trouble?" EOS Consumer Study 2023

EOS Study: One in five people are taking on debt as a result of inflation.

How have rising prices affected the financial situation of consumers? An EOS study reveals that many people have had to take on debt to compensate for inflation.
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EOS survey: Young people want more financial education.

Do you think young people have no desire to deal with their own finances? As a recent survey shows, this is certainly not the case. The level of interest is great – as are their fears for the future.
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EOS Study: Is money still ‘men’s business’?

Who saves more, who makes decisions more confidently, and who has greater financial reserves? An EOS study reveals how differently men and women handle financial issues – and suggests possible reasons.
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EOS European Payment Practices 2022

The latest survey by EOS with insights and assessments from 3,200 financial executives.

EOS Survey “European Payment Practices 2022”: Companies need to step up the pace of their digitalization efforts.

Europe’s companies need to act. Because the payment practices of customers are worse than ever. At the same time, new technologies and social changes are challenging conventional processes and business models.

What are companies doing so as not to miss the boat? How are they making their receivables management more efficient? How data-driven are their decisions – and what is the role of artificial intelligence in this context?

The survey “European Payment Practices”, which EOS conducted in 2022 for the 13th time, provides the answers to these and other questions.

In 2022, the proportion of receivables in Europe that were paid late or were unrecoverable was 21 percent.



How Europe’s companies are counteracting bad debts.

For many European companies, their existence is at stake, as a growing number of customers are paying their bills late or not paying them at all. And many financial executives fear that the situation is going to get even worse in future. Read here how companies are fighting back by outsourcing their receivables management and about the role played by new digital payment methods.
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If you don’t digitize, you end up sitting on your receivables.

For companies, defaulting customers don’t just mean less liquidity but also more work. Although a digitized reminder process can help reduce this workload and increase repayment rates, until now only half of all European companies surveyed had taken this step. Find out here why investing in a digital receivables management system pays off.
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European Payment Practices 2022: Survey structure

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Between March 4 and April 19, 2022, telephone interviews were conducted with 3,200 financial executives from companies with an annual turnover each of at least €5 million.
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16 countries from Western and Eastern Europe: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and the UK.


Since 2007, the EOS survey “European Payment Practices” has evaluated the mood of the international economy. In 2022 it appears for the 13th time.

EOS survey “What's the value of data?” 2020

Representative research on data and its value.

Digital trust as a challenge

Digital data have become a key economic asset. Companies collect, analyze and interpret data to optimize their business models. This is why the responsible handling of such data, and an appreciation of how valuable it is, are increasingly a topic of public debate: How do consumers feel about the disclosure of data and its value? Are they willing to sell personal information? And how do companies win the trust of consumers for the use of their data?

The representative international survey conducted by the EOS Group on the subject “What’s the value of data?” provides answers to these questions. The online poll was conducted in 17 countries in the spring of 2020 by Kantar, one of the world's leading market research institutes.
Read survey

A third of respondents would disclose their own data for a specific recompense.



What the US elections have to do with the digital confidence of Europeans.

Do we still have a choice in the disclosure of our data? Find out where action is needed – for businesses and consumers.
Read the related article

Will the digital life of European citizens soon be like in China?

Find out more about the comprehensive findings of the EOS survey and what happens when personal data becomes an own currency.
Read the related article

About the survey “What's the value of data?”

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1,000 respondents from each country over the age of 18.
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15 countries in Europe plus the USA and Russia


Online poll using standardized questionnaire.

All international studies

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European Payment Practices 2022

Illustration of a computer showing data and a Euro sign.

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